Will Devin AI Take's All Software Jobs?

Devin AI, AI tools

BIG NO.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Currently Devin Ai is open-source platform.

AI Is Very Powerful

It's Really Bad News for all the STARTUP'S, UNICORN'S and MNC'S. As Devin AI takes part in the Market.

Jobs holders can easily switch they career but not IT industrialist.

This is what gone happen.

  1. Upcoming graduates will come out school by zero knowledge because they depend on AI tools.

  2. Every Graduates will apply for Front end or Backend positions not other positions because Devin ai is now God father of software. it can develop, debug and deploy. so why move to other technology.

  3. High Productivity - low Creativity.

  4. Employment crisis.

  5. Zero value of handworker.

  6. Zero value for Education.

  7. Project / Design Patent issues.

    Finally - There will no difference Between Startup's, Unicorn's, MNC'S.

    AI tools makes everyone equal.

    MNC'S = Unicorn's = Startup's

    IF all Companies are equal == Zero Revenue

    IF Devin AI makes the limited versions or paid services by minutes (Pay as you use)

    This is what gone happen.

    1. More Employment.

    2. More Creativity - More Productivity.

    3. Great Value for Education.

    4. Great Value for skills / Problem solving.

    5. Every graduate will have Zill to learn.

      Not only Devin AI and other upcoming AI tools should be paid services.

      Healthy Employment == Healthy Revenue